Friday, October 29, 2010

Land of Happily Ever After

“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?”

Hello everyone! Happy Halloween weekend! :)

A couple weeks ago, the church that I work at created a "Land of Happily Ever After." Itwas SO much fun. A bunch of the youth group kids, and a few of the adults who work there, dressed up as storybook characters and set up along the trail in the woods so the little kids of the parish could walk through and meet everyone. I was so excited because I got to be one of my favorites, Alice in Wonderland! (Now you all can see how I'd lookas a blonde! lol) The local newspaper of that area even did a story on us! You can read it by clicking here.

And now for the pictures!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Light the Night Walk

I am extremely behind on blogging, it's getting out of control! And I have SO many things to blog about.. but that's my problem. I've been way too busy. I don't know why but this Fall, I've been running around nonstop, plus school has been getting kind of crazy too.. but I guess that's expected. Anyway.. on to the blogging!

On October 2nd, I participated in the "Light the Night" walk for Leukemia & Lymphoma, walking in honor of my friend, Jessica, who passed away at the age of 20 from Lymphoma in December of 2009.

I knew Jessica since we were in grade school together and then we went on to go to the same high school and college.

I was honored to be able to walk in her honor, along with a group of her friends and family.

The walk took place at Progressive Field in downtown Cleveland. It started off a little rainy, but luckily it pretty much cleared up in time for the actual walk to start. We walked a mile around the streets of downtown, everyone with an illuminated balloon. It was really inspiring and I'm really glad that I took part in it.

With the help of my family and friends, I was able to raise $193 alone, and all together, our team raised a total of $1,210. The money will help fund lifesaving cancer research and services for patients, bringing help and hope to thousands of people battling blood cancers.

Monday, October 4, 2010

September Wedding at Mike's Barn

Last month, my parents and I attended the beautiful autumn wedding of our friends, Jack and Suzy. The wedding took place at Mike's Barn, a huge old barn near Cleveland, which serves as a private music venue and hangout for many local blues and jazz musicians. It's filled with lots of art, oddities and musical instruments.

The barn was a perfect setting for this wedding because Jack is a singer and harmonica player and most of the guests that attended were either musicians themselves or friends and family of musicians. The ceremony took place outside, and then there was a giant jam session inside later on. It was so much fun and there was plenty of great music, food and photo ops. One really cool part of the night was when we launched a bunch of Chinese sky lanterns. Here are some photos from the day!